The Decolonial Parent

a continuous work in progress

Tag: yoga

  • Release and Ready

    Release and Ready

    Do you have a point of focus for the year ahead yet? It’s not for everyone, but I typically find it helpful to sit quietly with my thoughts at the turn of the calendar page. This can take any form: barefoot during the silence of a new morning with a hot cup of tea and…

  • my yoga journey doesn’t fit onto instagram

    my yoga journey doesn’t fit onto instagram

    I’d never owned a yoga mat, and didn’t know what a child’s pose was. I balked at the idea of putting my face anywhere near a mat that someone else’s feet had sweated on, wasn’t comfortable sitting or lying still with my eyes closed for any length of time, and there was no way in…

  • what to do when you’re exhausted

    what to do when you’re exhausted

    “Treat yourself” doesn’t need to mean buying things, digging deep into your energy reserves to haul yourself to a class, nor spending the whole day at a spa. Here are some suggestions for low-effort, low-cost ways to rekindle your inner flame.