The Decolonial Parent

a continuous work in progress

Tag: meditation

  • why i don’t follow my own advice

    why i don’t follow my own advice

    The most unhelpful approach I can take to my repeated failures is believing that they define me. I may fail frequently, but I try to make up for it each time. If I can’t improve my executive skills, at the very least I won’t surrender to them.

  • a sip of productivi-tea

    a sip of productivi-tea

    The underlining tenet of productivity is the belief that what exists right now is not enough. It is antithetical to wealth or health or joy.

  • finding your own peace

    finding your own peace

    5 minutes of peace can be a lifeline during such turbulent times as 2020 has been, and may well continue to be. Armed with a practice that supports us to find our own space, we can withstand just a little more of it together.

  • what to do when you’re exhausted

    what to do when you’re exhausted

    “Treat yourself” doesn’t need to mean buying things, digging deep into your energy reserves to haul yourself to a class, nor spending the whole day at a spa. Here are some suggestions for low-effort, low-cost ways to rekindle your inner flame.