The Decolonial Parent

a continuous work in progress

Tag: anticapitalist

  • Battling the overwhelm

    Battling the overwhelm

    We are getting so good at taking the path of least resistance that we are losing the skills to hard things: critical thinking, creative writing, conversation. Are we really ready to let AI do the thinking for us? Is this the world we want to give our children, or can we take back our skills…

  • Working during pregnancy

    Working during pregnancy

    It’s wild that we expect pregnant people to be full-time economic actors during their entire pregnancy. With how gross, destabilising, hormonally chaotic, and simply painful pregnancy is, we still expect people to show up to a job and perform its responsibilities as if they weren’t a living, breathing chrysalis with a solar storm raging within.

  • to infinite suffering, and beyond!

    to infinite suffering, and beyond!

    These feelings of helplessness, of loneliness, of creativity, of community, of longing, of fear; all of the feelings that have surfaced as 2020 has elapsed, collapsed, and relapsed, none of them are new. These feelings already existed in our world, in our carefully-ordered states of work and leisure. Loneliness, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, and other…

  • a sip of productivi-tea

    a sip of productivi-tea

    The underlining tenet of productivity is the belief that what exists right now is not enough. It is antithetical to wealth or health or joy.

  • stay woke. stay dreaming.

    stay woke. stay dreaming.

    With everything that has happened so far this year, and everything that still lies ahead, we’d be forgiven for falling into despair. Yet still we dream.

  • why i don’t have a gym membership

    why i don’t have a gym membership

    Reasons why I don’t have a gym membership, by a certified personal trainer, group exercise instructor, + former gym manager.

  • movement is free

    movement is free

    How many of us have experienced something like this: We look up from what we’ve been doing, take a deep breath and/or a stretch of our neck or hips, and feel the effects immediately?