Category: wellness
Sustainable living (the personal kind)
As the primary caregiver of a breastfed, contact-napping, cosleeping, velcro baby, I need to find ways to top up my cup in the slivers of time I get to claim as mine. I can’t wait for a day off, or even until nap-time, so what can I do instead? These are my main tactics:
Release and Ready
Do you have a point of focus for the year ahead yet? It’s not for everyone, but I typically find it helpful to sit quietly with my thoughts at the turn of the calendar page. This can take any form: barefoot during the silence of a new morning with a hot cup of tea and…
my yoga journey doesn’t fit onto instagram
I’d never owned a yoga mat, and didn’t know what a child’s pose was. I balked at the idea of putting my face anywhere near a mat that someone else’s feet had sweated on, wasn’t comfortable sitting or lying still with my eyes closed for any length of time, and there was no way in…
a challenge or a lesson?
It’s ok to quit as long as we learn. Time to sit down and be humble.
empires of information
Why “the Internet”, my childhood palace of wonder and freedom, is now a sinister web of clickbait, pop ups, influencers, cookies, and lies.
why i don’t follow my own advice
The most unhelpful approach I can take to my repeated failures is believing that they define me. I may fail frequently, but I try to make up for it each time. If I can’t improve my executive skills, at the very least I won’t surrender to them.
training for life
Reasons why any pre-defined training plan (whether found on social media or purchased from a reputable wellness professional) can only do so much – and why I don’t sell training plans.
a sip of productivi-tea
The underlining tenet of productivity is the belief that what exists right now is not enough. It is antithetical to wealth or health or joy.
on being enough
Neocolonialism is just another name for colonialism, the media-friendly offshore tax haven of imperialism, whereby those in power set a standard for the rest of us to fall short of. Neocolonialism hinges on our core belief that we are not enough, and must therefore buy products and services that improve us sufficiently to become acceptable,…
working on enjoying this moment
It can be all too easy to look for the good in a situation or get bogged down by the bad, but the key lesson I’ve been learning this year is accepting the full picture. And that goes for myself as well.
tend to your crops
How we navigate our way through these turbulent times will define our collective future, and we have enough recorded history behind us by this point that we know it could go either way. With all that we have at stake, we’d be forgiven for abandoning hope.
finding your own peace
5 minutes of peace can be a lifeline during such turbulent times as 2020 has been, and may well continue to be. Armed with a practice that supports us to find our own space, we can withstand just a little more of it together.