The Decolonial Parent

a continuous work in progress

Category: planning

  • Release and Ready

    Release and Ready

    Do you have a point of focus for the year ahead yet? It’s not for everyone, but I typically find it helpful to sit quietly with my thoughts at the turn of the calendar page. This can take any form: barefoot during the silence of a new morning with a hot cup of tea and…

  • Take what serves you and leave the rest

    Take what serves you and leave the rest

    I’ll probably write about this a few times over the next month-to-a-year, as it’s a topic close to my heart. For today, I want to focus on the idea that when we honour traditions we need to adhere to them. While on the one hand I absolutely agree with and advocate for the notion that…

  • Imposter syndrome

    Imposter syndrome

    Some people may ask, Who are we to write a blog on parenting when we haven’t given birth yet? And that’s a fair question.

  • How it begins

    How it begins

    One minute we were out here living our dual freelancer lives, doing our best to navigate the vagaries of a novel bureaucratic system in a language we have a feeble grasp of (at best). Within moments, we became custodians of a whole new future. Over the coming months, we’ll be preparing our home and our…