The Decolonial Parent

a continuous work in progress

Category: nutrition

  • Notes from Confinement

    Notes from Confinement

    These are the incomplete ramblings of a new parent in the first weeks of my child’s life. Questions welcome!

  • Why I’m doing postpartum confinement

    Why I’m doing postpartum confinement

    Yes, the truth is that I am under no obligation to do a postpartum confinement. I am not fully Chinese, my partner’s family is not Chinese, and I don’t live in a Chinese community. There is no social or cultural expectation that I would follow any Chinese traditions of any kind (including all those feast…

  • Take what serves you and leave the rest

    Take what serves you and leave the rest

    I’ll probably write about this a few times over the next month-to-a-year, as it’s a topic close to my heart. For today, I want to focus on the idea that when we honour traditions we need to adhere to them. While on the one hand I absolutely agree with and advocate for the notion that…